The Devil’s Dozen is a wonderful, relatively short read that contains thirteen rites for one who is looking to practice traditional witchcraft: vision, sacred compact, dedication, initiation, consecration, empowerment, protection, illumination, union, transformation and devotion. The rites are spoken in a beautiful poetic way, it flows really well and captivates the readers attention.

There were only a few areas that I found questionable. One are was when the book recommended to go to church yards as part of a ritual, to undress and become naked during the darkness of the night. This is deeply rooted in history, yet in today’s day and age, not only is this illegal, it is also unsafe for the majority of practitioners. One paragraph was explaining the outline of a ritual and mentioned to draw ‘a little blood’ for a ritual, but doesn’t mention any advice for safety and/or alternatives if this isn’t an option for the reader. I also found the book mentioning getting ahold of a human skull, which, for the most part and for most people, is illegal and/or impossible (especially in the UK).

Overall, I really loved this book and many works from Gemma Gary. I will definitely be keeping this book for future reference.

Last reviewed: 12/12/23

Disclaimer: Anything stated within these book reviews are based on the writer’s opinions, beliefs, and life experiences and should not be taken as universal truth. The writer’s opinion of said books are subject to change over time and reviews may be amended in future to reflect their most up-to-date opinion. It is generally recommended for you to read these books for yourself so you can form your own personal opinion.

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