The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Kelden.
The Crooked Path by Kelden is a great book that covers what traditional witchcraft is, working with magic, the otherworld, and nature. The writing style is very attention-grabbing and interesting, featuring a short journey at the start of each chapter that really captures the reader. Kelden includes lots of different topics in moderate depth, and tasks for the reader to complete, with beautiful artwork and fonts. Citations and references are included at the end of the book which is great!
The only thing I disagree with in this book is it mentions to use salt on the outer compass when performing this ritual outside. Whilst this has historic value, salt should be avoided when putting materials directly onto the ground as it kills all life that it contacts (plants and animals alike, and makes the soil less fertile).
I would recommend this book to anyone interested in Traditional Witchcraft. It comes from an ever-so-slightly more intermediate standpoint than other introductory texts, so although is still beginner friendly, absolute beginners may want to either read about the topic before starting this book, or follow the sources afterwards.
Last reviewed: 14/03/23.
Disclaimer: Anything stated within these book reviews are based on the writer’s opinions, beliefs, and life experiences and should not be taken as universal truth. The writer’s opinion of said books are subject to change over time and reviews may be amended in future to reflect their most up-to-date opinion. It is generally recommended for you to read these books for yourself so you can form your own personal opinion.
Tags: books trad craft, kelden, the crooked path, the crooked path kelden