A stunning reflective deep Honey Calcite sphere, with maroon autumnal leaves in the background.
Tag: Calcite
Orange Calcite Pumpkin
A charming little orange Calcite pumpkin, sitting on a marble platform with autumnal leaves in the background.
Orange Calcite Sphere
A gorgeously juicy Orange Calcite sphere, sitting in front of leaves and a marble background.
Amber Calcite
A chunk of dark, beautiful Amber Calcite sitting on a wooden tabletop with deep red leaves in the background.
Orange Calcite Heart
A beautifully banded polished Orange Calcite heart that has white striations, with leaves in the background.
Optical Calcite Chunk
A natural chunk of crystal-clear Optical Calcite which contains rainbows and shimmers when rotated in sunlight.
Bumblebee Jasper (Calcite) Pumpkin
Yellow Bumblebee Jasper (Calcite) pumpkin on a rocky surface, with jars and divination tools in the background.
Chocolate Calcite Palmstone
A lovely brown Chocolate Calcite palmstone sitting on a deep brown wooden platform, with a red leaf background.