Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch’s Defence Manual by Jason Miller.

Protection & Reversal Magick by Jason Miller is a great read which covers important information such as recognising an attack, personal protection, protection for the home, daily practices to stay protected, and reversals and counter-magick. It has a great paragraph on dream dictionaries, stating that signs and correspondences are personal to each and every reader, which I find a lot of other books don’t acknowledge. I also really enjoyed that it also provides alternatives to living situations, making it accessible to a wide variety of people. Jason also includes a great paragraph on mundane intervention and how a practitioner must put in the work in both the mundane, and the magickal world, and also includes an important paragraph on eclecticism and it’s use and misuse. This book includes lots of great citations, references, and a list of further reading which is great!

There are a few points in the book that personally don’t sit right with me. For example Jason uses Eastern, Native American, African American practices and traditions (hoodoo, use of karma and eastern yoga, sage smudging), usually out of context with their original culture (“what works is what works”). I find this troublesome when these ideas are used out of context or when used by those outside a closed practice. Throughout, I also noticed a few safety and environmental concerns, such as putting ammonia in bath water, “curses can cause cancer”, and throwing candle wax or jars into running water. I also disagree with how some things are presented in this book, such as using curse and hex interchangeably, the use of a historically racist term “black arts”, and stating that “serious practitioners of magic do magic every day” which just isn’t true for everyone. Jason also talks about how amulets break when protecting against curses and hexes, but fails to mention that there are also mundane reasons as to why this happens.

Overall, I think this would be a good book for anyone’s bookshelf, providing important information about staying protected and how to reverse magick.

Last reviewed: 14/03/23.

Disclaimer: Anything stated within these book reviews are based on the writer’s opinions, beliefs, and life experiences and should not be taken as universal truth. The writer’s opinion of said books are subject to change over time and reviews may be amended in future to reflect their most up-to-date opinion. It is generally recommended for you to read these books for yourself so you can form your own personal opinion.

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