Pagan Portals: Poppets and Magical Dolls. Dolls for Spellwork, Witchcraft, and Seasonal Celebrations by Lucya Starza [review].
Quartz Cluster
A stunning large Quartz cluster with crystal face etching, sitting on a dark grey marble tabletop with leaves in the background.
Seraphinite Slice
A gorgeous half-polished slice of green Seraphinite, being held in front of green leaves.
Herb Magic: An Introduction to Magical Herbalism and Spells by Patti Wigington
Herb Magic. An Introduction to Magical Herbalism and Spells by Patti Wigington [review]
Chalcedony Tower
A gorgeous blue translucent Chalcedony tower sitting on a wooden tabletop with leaves in the background.
Amber Calcite
A chunk of dark, beautiful Amber Calcite sitting on a wooden tabletop with deep red leaves in the background.
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants by Juliet Diaz [review].
Pink Aragonite Palmstone
A lovely polished pale-pink Aragonite palmstone, sitting on a black tabletop with red leaves in the background.
Orange Calcite Heart
A beautifully banded polished Orange Calcite heart that has white striations, with leaves in the background.
The Witch by Ronald Hutton
The Witch: A History of Fear, From Ancient Times to the Present by Ronald Hutton [review].