Natural Magick: Discover your Magick. Connect with your Inner and Outer World by Lindsay Squire

Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire is a beautiful book that touches upon various topics such as the Wheel of the Year, The Moon, Divination, Spells, Sigils, Herbs, and gives advice for witches in the broom closet. The book also contains lots of lovely pieces of art, with vibrant colours. I really like that this book provides a lot of alternatives to commonly used items, such as tools, vegan alternatives, and alternatives to common cultural appropriative practices. Lindsay includes a good paragraph on buying biodegradable materials, and also includes a great paragraph on cultural appropriation and sustainability. Lindsay also states that negative magick and banishings are a personal choice which I love, it’s very non-judgemental and leaves the choice up to the reader. There is also a further reading page which is great.

There are a few points which I personally don’t agree with. There are a lot of generalised Wiccan beliefs which are passed off as true to all, which could have been avoided if it was stated that this is a belief belonging to a specific group of people (as this book doesn’t mention being a Wiccan guide on the front or back cover). Lindsay also lumps together Wiccans and neopagans, who simply aren’t one and the same. It is stated that tarot cards don’t predict the future, which is true for many but not all. The book also mentions that rosemary, white candles, and clear quartz can replace any and all tools. This is a common new age concept, which is fine in itself. However, I personally find it to not be true as there are things that rosemary, white candles, and clear quartz cannot replace. Lastly, there is a very short sentence mentioning that you can consume a small portion of essential oils which is incorrect as all are toxic when orally consumed.

Overall, this is a lovely book for beginners who are seeking out a 101 guide that looks pretty and contains some good advice.

Last reviewed: 14/03/23.

Disclaimer: Anything stated within these book reviews are based on the writer’s opinions, beliefs, and life experiences and should not be taken as universal truth. The writer’s opinion of said books are subject to change over time and reviews may be amended in future to reflect their most up-to-date opinion. It is generally recommended for you to read these books for yourself so you can form your own personal opinion.

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